Friday, August 31, 2007

Apple Introduces the New iRack

Aww, hell, rather than screw with the code to try to get it to be embedded, here's the direct link:

Apple Introduces the New iRack

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales Resigns

Here it is folks, from CNN:

I'm not entirely sure whether or not to be ecstatic or more worried, knowing that Bush will probably appoint someone more insidious (the current move, according to the article, looks like it will be Chertoff).

Anyway, a good way to start the morning, because I'm now reasonably sure his "memory" will clear up.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rove Resigns

Well, I'm happy, but like Iggy Sr, for a different reason than most. As other members of the inner circles of Bush's group have learned in the past, the assumed (and relatively unchallenged) "Executive Privilege" claim is no longer valid for members who've left the administration (DUH!).

Rove will now be subject (moreso than before) to the full range of powers that Congress will bring to the table to coerce answers from Mr. Rove. I'm pretty happy about this one, I must say. We'll see if the Democrats take the chance or throw the ball away.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I Hate These Liars

How, honestly, in this day and age of video records, sound bytes, transcripts, etc, how is it that these idiots continue to believe they can get away with this crap? You know what my theory is? Bush honestly still thought he'd gotten away with his BS attempts to "allow" his former staffers to "testify" behind closed doors without being under oath or transcribed. Ah well, read this swamp of shit for yourself:

Q: Mr. President, I wanted to ask you about accountability. You're a big believer in it, you've talked about it with regard to the public schools. But given the performance of Iraqi leaders, given your decision to commute the sentence of Lewis Libby, you've also stood by the Attorney General recently -- there have been a lot of questions about your commitment to accountability. And I'm wondering if you could give the American people some clear examples of how you've held people accountable during your presidency?

THE PRESIDENT: Lewis Libby was held accountable. He was declared guilty by a jury and he's paid a high price for it.
Al Gonzales -- implicit in your questions is that Al Gonzales did something wrong. I haven't seen Congress say he's done anything wrong. As a matter of fact, I believe, David, we're watching a political exercise. I mean, this is a man who has testified, he's sent thousands of papers up there. There's no proof of wrong. Why would I hold somebody accountable who has done nothing wrong? I mean, frankly, I think that's a typical Washington, D.C. assumption -- not to be accusatory, I know you're a kind, open-minded fellow, but you suggested holding the Attorney General accountable for something he did wrong.
And as a matter of fact, I would hope Congress would become more prone to deliver pieces of legislation that matter, as opposed to being the investigative body. I mean, there have been over 600 different hearings and, yet, they're struggling with getting appropriations bills to my desk.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I love Dennis Kucinich

On tonight's MSNBC Democratic Open Forum, Dennis was asked his opinion on whether China is an ally or an enemy, and he, like most of the candidates said "Competitor," but his added response was even better.

"In Cleveland, they say that if you dig a hole deep enough, you'll be in China. Well, we're there."

Wow... I LOVE this guy.