Face it, nation. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the two candidates by far most likely to win the Democratic national primary. Hell, they might even make one another running mates for the election (almost guaranteed to sink them in the general election ::cough South cough::, but eh). Either way though, the Democrats might finally have the message down, and that is that unlike the Republicans (See McCain smear, North Carolina, 2004), you don't smear your own guys. Win the Primaries on your own merits, because you never know when those lies might come to bite the guy if he wins the Primary, and make your whole team lose the game.
Or do they?
According to the
Washington Post, some of Senator Hillary Clinton's own people are rumored to have spread vicious lies about Illinois' Sen. Barack Obama. Specifically, the rumors (read: lies) state that Obama had attended a madrassa, an extremely fundamental Muslim school in his time in Indonesia. In fact, his school was a public school that "doesn't focus on religion."
Clinton's office has denied it (which, true or not, they're obviously going to). For one, I'll bite on Clinton's denial. I think she's smarter than that, and wouldn't have anyone in her group so obviously stupid. If she did though, I'll be the first one to throw this at her, and she'll certainly lose my vote over it (unless she's the Democratic winner, cause there's no way in hell I'm voting for
So if she didn't do it, who else did? Simple.
Republican scum. Cue the Imperial March theme.
The Republicans (no doubt with help from Karl Rove, once again), are already launching their smear campaign, a full two years before the general elections. Why? Simple, once again. They're scared. They're really scared of Barack Obama. Why? Because he's black? No. (Well, maybe that plays into it, but that's not the real reason.)
Barack Obama has clout. He has a name. He has some serious staying power in Washington. He's young and in tune with his voters, and they're scared shitless about him. They know that they can take down Hillary (or at least they're pretty damned sure). But Obama? Well, they need to worry about him.
The Republicans know that the only way they can nail him is to make troubling allegations. Not big ones. Not just one. They know from experience (Clinton, the former) that those tricks don't work anymore. They learned from John Kerry that if they make lots of little chinks in the armor, it will eventually crack.
What are these chinks made up of? Name calling, disturbing rhymes, insinuations, and flat out lies.
Well, Republican scum, I've got news for you. You call yourselves Christians. LIARS!!!
The truth is that no Christian would make such bold-faced lies about another man, particularly when that man is a good one. Need a reminder? How 'bout them Ten Commandments ya'll (note the finger pointing at the South) hold to so dearly? Remember this one: "You shall not bear false witness"? Apparently not:
Stephen Colbert vs. Congressman Lynn WestmorelandSo, Republicans lied about being Christians. If they'll lie about that, what can you really trust them on?