Monday, April 23, 2007

Karl Rove is Just Green... Well, OK, he's not Green at All

So Sheryl Crow and Laurie David (producer of Inconvenient Truth) met with Karl Rove at the Correspondents Dinner. There are always two sides to every story... So far, when Karl Rove's story has come into play, I am always prone to doubting it.

Anyway, the story goes that they stopped Rove at the Dinner, and mentioned their views about global warming. Rove immediately tried to walk away, and Sheryl attempted to stop him. Debate rages about how she stopped him, but it's clear that she didn't grab his arm, strong arm him back, and say "Listen up Porky." Of course, she'd have the respect of millions of Americans if she did.

In its own way though, she earned a lot of respect for the way she confronted him about his callousness. When she stopped him, he turned around and spat out "Don't touch me."

Crow responded "You can't talk to us like that, you work for us." Rove spat out "I don't work for you, I work for the American people," to which Crow responded "We are the American people."

Now, we can't be positive of what happened, but honestly, who's story do you buy?

Of course, today the Wicked Witch of the Hill (Dana Perino) down played... or, well, up played the incident, depending on who's point of view you're using. Of course, her story was that Rove was hostily confronted and cornered. Seeing Sheryl Crow's hulking mass and her known violent streak would confirm that, of course. In fact, the "large hulking man" supposedly seen with Alec Baldwin's daughter is actually Sheryl Crow. They were just out on the town for a day.

Somehow, this whole thing is just stunning, isn't it?

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