Bush: "Quick Dana, Play Really Stupid! Then They'll Stop Thinking We're Lying!"
To which Mrs. Perino was heard to have replied: "Play stupid, sir?"
Ok, well, it's a known fact that a great deal of the Bushies are either so loyal they are willing to look absolutely retarded and thoroughly irresponsible (See: Alberto Gonzalez), or that they are actually just cosmically stupid (See: Monica Goodling), but this obviously just takes the cake.
Crooks and Liars has a clip of Mrs. Perino on a radio show recently that is either simply another post-Rovian attempt to throw a small piece of bait off their trail, or shows the genuine stupidity of the people that work for this administration. Either way, as Keith Olbermann would note, either the administration is genuinely incompetent and grotesquely stupid, or they are using the guise of it to be menacingly decietful and perhaps one day evade actual scrutiny for their many crimes.
The real heart of the matter though is that they're still criminals, it is only a debate about whether or not they are stupid criminals.
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