Sunday, October 01, 2006

Absolutely Disgusting...

According to an an ABC story (yes, I know, I didn't go there actually looking for news, this is a forwarded story), Congressman Mark Foley (R. FL) has been actively engaged in explicit sexual conversations with underage kids, seemingly mostly boys.

Mr. Foley has also been a strong advocate for child protection laws on the web, and sponsored several bills introduced to Congress to prevent exactly these types of situations.

Now, the point of this post is not to beat up on Mr. Foley exclusively (though he deserves and undoubtedly will get plenty of that in prison), but more the Republican party as a whole. My issue is that the Republicans have become (more) detached from what they have the gall to tout as American family values.

So far, it seems to me that the only values they've conveyed to Americans is to keep their wives and children away from them, and to vote for representatives that really do hold their values at heart. Whether said representatives are Democrats or independents is up to you, but at this point you can be assured that it isn't Republicans.

Send a real message to your Republican representatives this November, as well as in '08: Vote them out. And tell them you're watching your childrens' online activities too.


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