Monday, March 12, 2007

Binding Resolution for Withdrawal from Iraq

The Democrats have finally learned how to play the game. I'm sorry to say that they have to play 'games' with Iraq and veteran healthcare, of course, but if it beats back the Republicans (maybe permanently), and gets us out of that sandy hell-hole, I'm all for it.

Apparently, with Thursday's Binding Resolution introduced by key Democrats and supported by a few Republicans, the Democrats also carefully laid a trap for Republicans who would oppose the bill by inserting a key part of the bill calling for greater aid for veterans. In a time where our nerves are raw from constant reports of decreases in veteran aid, closing of VA hospitals, and scandals such as the continuing saga of the Walter Reed Medical Center, it would become political suicide for any Republicans to oppose this bill, particularly for those who will be up for reelection in 2008.

It seems to me now that simply covering ones' car in yellow ribbons just won't do the trick anymore, or, as John Prine would've said, "Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore."

A message to all Republicans (and "Democrats", Mr. Lieberman): Support the troops. Bring them home now, and take care of the ones that are already here, and the families of those who will never again come home.


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