Monday, June 25, 2007

Mike Gravel, How Do We Love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

Sen. Mike Gravel is probably one of the toughest guns in the entirety of the American government. He's held stern beliefs so steadfastly, and since joining the election has come out swinging, almost at his own party (rightly so!) as he has the Bushies and Republicans.

Previously, he said that he felt that his Democratic fellows do not have the moral authority to lead this country, because most of them voted for the war, and many continued to support the war after it had been started. I am so proud to be a member of a party where a man who remembers what politics were supposed to be about, and is doing something about it.

Read his latest blast here: Why Hillary Scares Me

Mr. Gravel, thank you for your honest words.

Friday, June 22, 2007

BillO Gets Smacked Down

In perhaps one of the best scenes to ever come off the O'Reilly Factor, a student from Boulder High School appeared, if not to defend the recent student forum on drugs and sex, then to defend his school and the people responsible for it from baseless attacks by the mindless zombies that worship BillO.

Seen below is the exchange between that meager little worm, and the not only honorable, but brave Jesse Lange, who would go on here to utterly destroy BillO and take just a little more air out of his delusions.

A slightly better writeup can be found here on News Hounds, which details the backstory as well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rudy Giuliani is an Asshole

Iggy (the Senior) found this little gem: Giuliani Quit Iraq Panel for Politics

I'll admit, I'd be angry and upset with him, except that this kind of garbage is expected from him and his ilk now. So when I walked in this morning, I checked my Google Desktop ::hugs Google::, and found this extra little gem:

South Carolina Treasurer Indicted on Cocaine Charges

What makes this so special? Well, this:

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (AP) -- South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel, a former real estate developer who became a rising political star after his election last year, was indicted Tuesday on federal cocaine charges.
Ravenel is also the state chairman for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign.
I'd say that it is too good to be true. Of course, with Rudy, clearly the more fantastic the story, the more likely it is to be true.

"Hey, did you hear Rudy was a crossdresser?" - True Story

Friday, June 15, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Threatens to Whack Ron Paul

Ok, so, maybe not, but I just couldn't help posting this:

Rudy Giuliani Threatens to Whack Ron Paul
The campaign manager for Ron Paul advised reporters that the matter was reported to the White House and that Alberto Gonzales promised an immediate investigation right after the 2008 election.
Somehow, I just found this entire thing to be wonderfully hilarious. Hey Rudy, maybe you oughta hire Bernie Kerrik? I heard he's looking for extra 'work.'

Monday, June 04, 2007

Republicans Are Stupid, Just Look

Ok, honest to god, there is no way anyone who DIDN'T evolve from an ape can think like this. People like this man right here prove evolutionary theory, because as we all know, sometimes you wind up with a turd in the gene pool. Apparently, the head of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan, said we need another major domestic terrorist attack to appreciate Bush!
“At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” Milligan said.
At this point, it's gotta be pretty much obvious that these yokels don't have a clue about terrorism, and as long as someone keeps putting a microphone in their face, they will keep spouting garbage like this.

Hey moron, don't you think that another attack would actually prove that Bush had completely failed in his policies to secure America and prevent further attacks??? This is, of course, assuming that he hasn't already, which he has. Yo, jerk! Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Iraq, Afghanistan, the failure to capture bin Laden... The list goes on and on.

Do we really need people like this to represent America to the rest of the world? All this, and I bet this asshole can't even tell you how many people died in the towers, or how many soldiers we've lost in Iraq. Go back to your shack in the hills, you fool.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Something Good is Missing From the World

I just found a Digg link thanks to my Google Desktop (and no, I'm not advertising!) that links to a story about Fred (Mr.) Rogers. The article contains 15 Reasons Mr. Rogers was the Best Neighbor Ever. This got me thinking, and perhaps wondering if, in some way, the modern world and the passing of our beloved Mr. Rogers were truly intertwined.

On a hunch, I remembered that he left us in 2003, and so I looked it up: Wikipedia lists Mr. Rogers' death as February 27th, 2003. Less than one month later, March 20th, the United States invaded Iraq.

I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I never bought the garbage hoaxes that ran around the 'net briefly about Mr. Rogers, but if one thing is certain, I can say that an unparalleled force for good died with Mr. Rogers, and maybe, just maybe, if we all took the time to remember one good man, the world would be better for it.