Monday, June 25, 2007

Mike Gravel, How Do We Love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

Sen. Mike Gravel is probably one of the toughest guns in the entirety of the American government. He's held stern beliefs so steadfastly, and since joining the election has come out swinging, almost at his own party (rightly so!) as he has the Bushies and Republicans.

Previously, he said that he felt that his Democratic fellows do not have the moral authority to lead this country, because most of them voted for the war, and many continued to support the war after it had been started. I am so proud to be a member of a party where a man who remembers what politics were supposed to be about, and is doing something about it.

Read his latest blast here: Why Hillary Scares Me

Mr. Gravel, thank you for your honest words.


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