Monday, July 16, 2007

Pat Tillman's Death Less Important Than Bush's Image

So apparently, Pat Tillman's death is now the subjetct of Executive Privilege. Translation: Bush and members of his administration have the right to lie and be entirely above the law, even when the things they lied about border on the completely irrelevant (with no offense to Corporal Tillman, a hero if there ever was one).

In a move of complete disrespect to Tillman and his family, Bush has claimed Executive Confidentiality... I have a strong suspicion that Bush is aware of the public backlash that will hit when the full scale of the White House's direct involvement is revealed, and he's genuinely afraid. Of what?

Lower polls? Or perhaps just confirming what we knew, that nothing, even and especially dead heroes is too gruesome a photo op for Bush.


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