Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conclusive Paper States "No Sun Link" in Regards to Global Warming

Well, here it is FoxNoise; there is no conclusive evidence to support the "theory" (read: bogus diversionary tactics for people too lazy or stupid to research on their own) of increased solar activity that would cause the Earth's temperature to increase.The article from the BBC states:

Dr Lockwood initiated the study partially in response to the TV documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, broadcast on Britain's Channel Four earlier this year, which featured the cosmic ray hypothesis.

"All the graphs they showed stopped in about 1980, and I knew why, because things diverged after that," he told the BBC News website.

"You can't just ignore bits of data that you don't like," he said.

What is being said bluntly is that Fox and Britain's equivalent Channel Four have, oooh, shocker here, LIED!


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