Friday, April 27, 2007

Passing the Buck... Err, Bill

So, yesterday, the Senate passed the Iraq funding bill with $124 Billion available to support the war effort in Iraq. Bush promised to veto it as soon as it reached his desk, and said he would continue to do so as long as it was contingent on withdrawal.


"If they want to try again that which I've said is unacceptable, of course I won't accept it," the president said during a news conference here with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. "I hope it won't come to that."

"I invited the leaders of the House and the Senate to come down soon after my veto so we can discuss a way forward," the president said. "I'm optimistic we can get a bill, a good bill and a bill that satisfies all our objectives."

What Mr. Bush means by this, of course, is that if the Senate and Congress want to put on a good dog show and show the country how they follow his lead like loyal puppies, then they can come and visit with him so he can tell them what to do. Unfortunately, it seems like it's already working.

Early word is that the Democrats are already working on a 'fall-back' draft that will remove any mention of withdrawal, and will go for less, and even more fluidic "benchmarks" for the Iraqi government that will represent "deadlines." One would be wise to point out that numerous other deadlines have been proposed, accepted, passed, and faded in this war, though.

I think I can speak for a number of Democratic Americans (and others) who voted for change last year, only to find that the party of spineless wimps remains largely inhabited by the same invertebrates who let this get as far as it has in the past six and a half years. We are sorely disappointed that our team represents not the "cut and run" attitude that the Republican media machine would have us believe, but instead, a "hide and cower" attitude that backs down every time some Republican weasel utters the word "unpatriotic."

To them, I say; For shame! Go and hide your heads in the sand. If you can't take this heat, get out of DC, and let someone who cares give it a try. How dare you use your candidacy just to further your own name! You're no better than the president which you publicly oppose and privately embrace. Out of one corner of your mouth, you would have us believe that you represent our values and wish to end this senseless war, while out of the other, you would duck and cover at every opposition that comes your way.

If you believe as we do that this war should end, you should make your plan, end this pointless infighting among the party, and stick to it. If Mr. Bush decides he does not want to support the troops, and would sooner have them stay and continue to die for nothing but his personal gain, then let him. The military will run out of funding, and then you will have to override the President's ill thought out plot and bring them home right then and there.

I think we have discovered Mr. Bush's true plot: His intention is not now, and perhaps never was to finish this war. He wanted to get himself and his enablers into the Middle East for pure monetary gain, particularly the rich oil fields of Iraq. He has succeeded in his mission, and cares not for the will of the American people, nor for the troops that are killed every day.

The entire purpose of the war has been nothing more than personal gain, and now, the intention of saving his own name so that some history book does not record him as the man who started and lost the War on Terror, if you can even call this sham a real war. The only reason we stay now is so that Halliburton and others can continue to suck money from our very own national pockets, as well as those of the Iraqis. If Saddam Hussein deserved to die, then you better believe that these lousy excuses for Americans deserve no better.

In addition to holding fast to forcing the administration to withdraw our troops, investigations should be launched into all the war profiteers, and nothing but the harshest sentences should be handed down. If our country has any sense of the great nation we once were, we would accept no less.


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