Thursday, July 19, 2007


I think I'm just a little too happy about this story: Bummer

So apparently this guy bought a Hummer, and a couple days after he got it, it got trashed overnight with the statement "For the environ" scrawled on the side. The whole thing got royally wrecked, with the windows broken and tires slashed. Sounds like the ELF is spreading.

Ok, so, to my personal take on this. I freely admit to being overjoyed at one fewer of these pieces of garbage floating around the road. The guy looks like some middle aged loser (he is 32 and LIVES WITH HIS MOM!!!), and he probably hasn't gotten any in the last 10 years and is trying to make up for this. The fact of the matter is that this needed to start happening, and hopefully it will happen more.

As to the guys who actually did it, I can't help but give out a little "way to go!" Of course, the fact of the matter is that it was still illegal, and in my opinion, the wrong way to go about it. The best way to deal with this is to pressure your local politicians to institute new efficiency regulations that mandate that any vehicle must get over a certain MPG rating to be allowed to drive on public streets. I could see that putting a damper on this guy's fun. Then he'd be left with a car that he can't drive, and can't sell, and he's out $40,000. That'll impress da ladiez.

See, I've known douchebags like this guy. Fortunately for the one in particular that comes to mind, he got over his "all day at the gym to impress da ladiez" phase, and underneath the douchebagginess, was actually a nice guy. I just worry for all the guys that don't get over it that one day they'll meet the actual thugs they seem to worship, and more likely than not, it'll be in a jail cell.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Attempt at Filibuster Breaking All-Nighter Fails

Well, I admit to having mixed feelings on this whole subject. Last night Harry Reid organized an all-nighter for the Senate, originally stating that his intention was to do a role call several times throughout the night. The point of which would obviously be to embarrass Senators who refused to show up.

By the time the action started, or moreover, finished, it had dwindled to only 2 separate roll calls, and very little in the way of an effort to embarrass the Republicans. In fact, many (Republicans) would note that the Democrats were far more likely to have been embarrassed by their lack of solidarity in the matter... Well, aside from the fact that all 51 Democrats voted to end the debate (and thus the filibuster, allowing for nothing but a string of symbolic, if not meaningful, votes to be vetoed by Bush, thus placing the blame for Iraq squarely on his shoulders), not near enough Republicans sided with them to end this mess. Perhaps it's just not close enough to next November, then?

While I'm disappointed that Reid didn't keep his promise on role calls, and that he didn't threaten to continue into the next night, or the night after that, until the Republicans finally break, I am not unhappy that they fought. I just wish they'd fight harder.

In some pseudo-Asian wisdom: Wet bamboo is flexible and bends with the storms, but dry bamboo hits much harder.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Pat Tillman's Death Less Important Than Bush's Image

So apparently, Pat Tillman's death is now the subjetct of Executive Privilege. Translation: Bush and members of his administration have the right to lie and be entirely above the law, even when the things they lied about border on the completely irrelevant (with no offense to Corporal Tillman, a hero if there ever was one).

In a move of complete disrespect to Tillman and his family, Bush has claimed Executive Confidentiality... I have a strong suspicion that Bush is aware of the public backlash that will hit when the full scale of the White House's direct involvement is revealed, and he's genuinely afraid. Of what?

Lower polls? Or perhaps just confirming what we knew, that nothing, even and especially dead heroes is too gruesome a photo op for Bush.

Let Them Win!

Well, Mr. Graham, do you want them to win, or do you just want to use catch phrases and buzzwords to hide your own cowardice?

Watch as Jim Webb totally tears down Graham and his puppeteer show as he sounds remarkably like Bush, Cheney, and Tony Snow.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Paranoia Sucks

So I'm flying again for my boss to set up computers ahead of her, in this case, on an emergency basis. Obviously, I'm happy about missing my weekend, but at least I work for a nice guy, so that makes it easier to live with. But that's not what I'm here to write about. Mostly.

So I have arrived at JFK Airport, and found the one seat near my gate that has a power plug so I can charge my laptop (which will hopefully last me through enough time to watch a movie). I knew that people would start arriving at the gate shortly for the flight, so I didn't want to lose my seat.

Two people came and sat next to me, and I wanted a bottle of water. Given that this shop is right across the hall from where I'm sitting (completely in view from the seats), I decided to ask if they'd mind watching the bag or the seat for a minute. Words can't describe the look of horror on their faces, like I am Osama bin Laden sitting next to them.

Now, I can see how this would be an easy mistake: I'm 6'4" and white as can be, so clearly, an easy mistake on their part. I admit, I don't fault them for not wanting to, but I think the reaction was just a bit strong. In their defense, they were Australian, so maybe they feel they're more at risk, somehow. Who knows.

My bigger point here is that we shouldn't allow paranoia to ruin our daily lives, or an occasional kind act on someone else's behalf. I've watched bags for people, and as long as I know where they're going and it's in my sight, who cares? Yes, it violates rules, yes, it might possibly vaguely be dangerous in today's world, but somehow, I think that all the ridiculous overly strong security in today's airports does override this at least slightly.

Be vigilant, but be smart, people.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harriet Miers Subject to Contempt of Congress Charges

Ooooh, this is just getting too good to be true. Harriet Miers, obviously dumb enough to believe that George Bush could and would protect her from the big bad Congress, and that he had the power to do so in the first place, is now open to Contempt of Congress charges, among the most serious in our nation's lawbooks.

These and similar charges have been threatened against other officials in the Bush administration, but as of yet, the House and Senate have refused to actually pursue any of these charges. Now, in a move showing stunning resolve by the Democrats, officials have cleared the way for Harriet Miers to be coerced to testify.

Naturally, a string of other charges could result from this in the event that it is proven that she had direct knowledge and authority in the matter of the attorney firings scandal, including obstruction of justice. In the meantime, however, until Miers either testifies or is brought up on more serious charges, Bush will be able to do nothing other than sit back and watch his supposed friend rot in jail, as Bush has no legal authority to override Congress' powers in this matter.

On a personal note, I am not sure if we should be happier if she chooses to testify, or if she gets to rot for a while.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bush Orders Miers to Defy Congress

In a move that will undoubtedly set up Bush to snap the ever so fragile spines of Congress, Bush has ordered Harriet Miers, the one-time White House counsel and brief appointee to the Supreme Court, to break the law by defying Congress.

Are these guys crazy? Bush is once again flouting the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances and may well get away with it. When will someone not only stand up to Bush, but where is the outrage and renewed calls for impeachment?

Once again, I need to remind the American population that when an administration becomes tyrannical, it is our Constitutional DUTY to stand up and revolt! This is one of the single most outstanding reasons that our right to own a gun has been so carefully preserved.

I urge everyone to call, write, and visit their representatives and demand their support for impeachment proceedings and the immediate repeal of all of these Constitutional erosions.

Bush Pardons Entire GOP

From Iggy the Senior: Too Good to Miss

Cheney Implicated by DC Madam Logs? Ohhh, PLEASE be True

Oh, how sweet it would be if this were true: Dick Cheney is on the DC Madam's Phone List.

Now, I'm angling to say that this is not necessarily true, but certainly plausible. The allegations state that at the very least, he and his aides were involved in buying "entertainment" for foreign clients while he was CEO of Halliburton. Given his and Halliburton's history, this is entirely within the realm of possibility, and more likely than not, at least half true.

The implications of this are simple: Either Dick Cheney used escort services personally (well, how else is he going to get some?), or he requested them or ordered his aides to request them for clients at Halliburton. If this is found to be true, there can only one course: Impeach the bastard.

PS: To my loyal Republican readers (I'm sure I have at least one neocon fan out there. C'mon BillO, fess up.): Even if this is not true, what separates the Democrats/Liberals from using the same dirty lying factless tricks you use every day?

Conclusive Paper States "No Sun Link" in Regards to Global Warming

Well, here it is FoxNoise; there is no conclusive evidence to support the "theory" (read: bogus diversionary tactics for people too lazy or stupid to research on their own) of increased solar activity that would cause the Earth's temperature to increase.The article from the BBC states:

Dr Lockwood initiated the study partially in response to the TV documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, broadcast on Britain's Channel Four earlier this year, which featured the cosmic ray hypothesis.

"All the graphs they showed stopped in about 1980, and I knew why, because things diverged after that," he told the BBC News website.

"You can't just ignore bits of data that you don't like," he said.

What is being said bluntly is that Fox and Britain's equivalent Channel Four have, oooh, shocker here, LIED!

Friday, July 06, 2007

The "Presidential Advance Manual" Available Online

The RNC internal document known as the Presidential Advance Manual is now available online from the ACLU. As you might guess, a great majority of it is redacted before being made available, but the real meat and potatoes is still there. It fully details the RNC's plans for dealing with protestors, from just basic countermeasures including counter demonstrators, to complete removal from the area of the event.

As detailed by, the Republicans have no qualms about circumventing civil rights and intimidating people expressing theirs. This is a perfect reason why Michael Bloomberg should never be allowed another public office for his complicity in this plot.

Are We THAT Dumb?

There are sad facts about our country that are just inexcusable in today's world, facts that must be dealt with before we can ever hope to truly overcome the forces that have been working to tear our country apart.

Did you know that in the last fifteen years, as much as 20% of our country could not name the President of the United States? This still continues today, particularly in remote areas of our nation.

A newer study has found that 20% of Americans also believe that the sun revolves around the Earth, a belief that can only be propogated with a complete lack of any critical reasoning and poor education.

In an older article in the New York Times that I stumbled across today on Digg, well, I'd like to say that I was surprised, but in light of Dick Cheney's 9% approval rating, Bush's 28%, and Congress' equally dismal 28%, it does make sense to discover that people don't even know why they continue to approve. It is prudent to note here that the article only lightly touches on the political spectrum of today, and doesn't even mention Bush by name.

The overall point of the article is that the democracy of our country is threatened, often times by orders of magnitude more by our own ignorance than by external threats, including terrorism, communism, fascism, and really any other threat you can imagine. Including bears.

Again, I'm forced to ask the country: Are we THAT dumb?

What happened to the great nation that was destined to lead the world into the future? Somewhere along the way, our country got hijacked by fear-mongers and those who would prefer to prey upon ignorance by appealing to the most basic instincts of humans, instead of the reasoned debate our nation was built upon.

Categorically speaking, one could argue that the nation's populace has grown in collective intelligence by leaps and bounds since its founding, and yet our country is in ever more danger from its own ignorance. Perhaps this has to do with the changing face of the political landscape, and how politics has become much more about the game, the game of winning, than it has about the original cause, that of the greater good.

I mourn the loss of our nation's collective intelligence, and worse, the will to battle it with knowledge and fact.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

And They Come Out of the Woodwork

And so the scum starts to flow outward. A man was found loitering outside the hotel where Barack Obama was staying while campaigning. After his arrest, it was discovered that he had an eight inch knife 'concealed' in his car.

Between this, the Bush Administration, the war, and the rest of the world, I really do wonder where the Four Horsemen are, and how soon they're getting here.

"Throw the Bums Out"

Rarely has there been a more simple and fitting statement regarding the Bush administration. I can heartily say that I am one of the proud Americans who has agreed with "rabidrobot" here.

I pride myself on having held these opinions since the day Bush took office. I never trusted him. I felt he was at best incompetent and later, at worst, completely malevolent, as stated in the article below. I thought he was riding "Daddy's coattails." After we began the misbegotten war with Iraq, and the Patriot Act was passed, I took down my American flag off my wall, folded it carefully, and put it away in my closet, not even sure when it would come back out.

Reality Relentless in Bashing Bush
Admin spokesperson says, "We were never big fans of reality to begin with."
By rabidrobot
Posted Wednesday, July 04, 2007 on rabidrobot XTreme!
Discussion: US Domestic

Have you ever bought prescription pills sold from obvious spam, poorly worded and spelled and clearly bogus? Me either. But someone does, that's why spammers continue to try and find new, ever more insidious ways to simply get their message viewed; that is the way spam works, you send out such a wide net that the odds are that you'll catch enough suckers to pay the bills plus some.

What about the Nigerian 419 scam? You ever think that by giving someone your bank account, that they will then take that information in good faith? That they will not rob you blind, but instead fill your account with tax free millions? I never fell for that. No one I know fell for that. But I have seen people on TV, and read online about people who have. People who are so stupid, ignorant, and greedy that they keep the con men in business, milk, and honey.

Another popular spam technique is the "pump and dump". I find this one particularly fascinating, because it depends on people taking stock market investment tips from ever more doubtful and incredulous, anonymous, gif-making tipsters. What would posess someone with enough capital to be making investments in random stocks to risk that money on an obvious scam? I mean, this is an OBVIOUS scam, not a legitimate stock tip, and still many people are sufficiently greedy to try and cash in on it. The canny spammer, in control of the timing, makes away with all the loot. This just blows my mind. It is a relative pain in the ass, as far as I can tell, for the spammer himself, and depends on a coincidence of wealth and idiocy and incompetence and timing that seems very unlikely.

Nevertheless, pump and dumps are big business. Now, my point here, is that as much as I despise the spammers, I am also aware that without the idiots who buy bogus pills, send cash to anonymous Africans, and act on stock tips out of the ether, without these morons the spammers would not exist. Spammers are conniving, manipulating deceivers, yes, but the people who support them are also part of the problem.

Now, I'll just say this once, because I can't contain it, and I hope that you will continue reading afterward. I told you so. When it came to the Bush administration, and I don't claim to be alone, I had these assholes pegged all along.

But I can understand how one might have trusted them, wanted their cheap snake oil jingoist panacea. The $300 tax rebate for every citizen that was a bait and switch to give ludicrous tax breaks to huge corporations. I mean, he gave me $300, he must be on my side. If this is tax cuts Bush style, bring it on. But, like the Nigerian scammer, Bush took that trust and twisted it to achieve his own agenda, eventually taking each of us for much, much more. Just in dollars, setting aside actual lives affected, Bush gave us each $300, but then ran our debt up to $20,000 apiece. Now, I can see how one might have liked how it sounded at first, but now, now we are all justified in wondering if our trust was misplaced.

And the pump and dump of a mushroom cloud, the Weapons of Mass Destruction that made investment in invasion seem positively genius. There too, in a comedy of timing and errors, Bush and company played us all for suckers, lying the country into supporting an aggressive invasion of a country, despicable or not, that posed no threat. And not only that, but it has been FUBAR ever since. The analogy plays here too, because it is this series of shotgun lies and misstatements and misdirections that to me was CLEARLY bullshit, but so many people were buying into it because they wanted to believe--just boggled my mind.

But today is a new day. We can all look at each other as Americans. We can look at each other united in patriotism. We can stand together as one and say, “No More! I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!” I don't have to tell you how this series of con-jobs on the American people has come to a head with the administration holding itself above the law, unaccountable, and unrepentant for SCREWING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. A royal Cheney-style, "Go Fuck Yourself" is what they are trying to sell us now.

And, even though the administration is obviously ignorant, incompetent, or malevolent, we must also consider each other. Because without people to buy this Snake Oil, they wouldn't be in business. And at this point, like people dumb enough to support spammers, people dumb enough to continue to fall for this Administration's baloney are also part of the problem.

Let's make ourselves proud again; be part of a solution. Repent our misdeeds, and make atonement. Make the United States of America again represent the best humanity has to offer, a beacon of freedom, equality, and recognition of inalienable rights. The pinnacle of civilization we deserve and desire to be. On this Fourth of July, we should reflect on the standards of decency, honesty and democracy that the United States used to, and still can, stand for. Lets us do this together, and put these dark days behind us.

Throw the Bums Out.

Well said, sir.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Scooter Free!

In something of a sick paraphrase of Kevin Mitnick's famed bumper stickers and campaign slogan, Scooter Libby is now essentially a free man. He's still got that $250,000 fine and two years of probation, but that's worthless. He's not some drug dealer who's going to be back on the corner next week, so he's now off the hook.

Apparently, Bush has forgotten his pledge:
"I want to know who it is ... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of." - George W. Bush - Sept. 30th, 2003
I suppose that Bush was using word play there, because he has certainly 'taken care of' Scooter Libby. He's made sure that he doesn't serve a real prison sentence for a crime that most people would be shot for, and will undoubtedly issue a full eleventh hour pardon for, come January 2009.

On a more resolute note, Sen. Joe Biden has asked Americans to flood the White House with calls today expressing our rage at this evasion of justice.
Senator Biden reacts to President Bush commuting Scooter Libby's Sentence

Hours after a federal appeals court ruled that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby would have to begin serving his prison sentence while appealing his conviction for crimes of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators, President Bush commuted his sentence.

Last week Vice President Cheney asserted that he was beyond the reach of the law. Today, President Bush demonstrated the lengths he would go to, ensuring that even aides to Dick Cheney are beyond the judgment of the law.

It is time for the American people to be heard.

I call for all Americans to flood the White House with phone calls tomorrow expressing their outrage over this blatant disregard for the rule of law.


Remind George Bush what he told staffers during a swearing in ceremony for White House staff back in January 2001:

"[We] must remember the high standards that come with high office. This begins with careful adherence to the rules. I expect every member of this administration to stay well within the boundaries that define legal and ethical conduct. This means avoiding even the appearance of problems. This means checking and, if need be, double- checking that the rules have been obeyed. This means never compromising those rules. No one in the White House should be afraid to confront the people they work for, for ethical concerns, and no one should hesitate to confront me as well. We are all accountable to one another. And above all, we are all accountable to the law and to the American people."

Click here to watch the video of George Bush addressing staff: